Spanish - Señora Mejía-Torres

Spanish 1 Week 3:  April 6 - 9
1. Task: Going Downtown Presentation

2.  Check-in Zoom Session
3.  Task: Take Vocab 4.2 Quiz
4. Enjoy 4-day Easter Weekend!
Spanish 3 Week 3:  April 6 - 9
1. Task: Hero Presentation

2. Check-in Zoom Session
3. Task: Take Vocab 4.2 Quiz
4. Enjoy 4-day Easter Weekend!
Spanish 1 Week 2: March 30 - April 3
I will add new assignments to this agenda on Wednesday and Friday. Anything that needs to be submitted will be in the Classwork section of our Google Classroom. Here are Monday's tasks.
1. Watch the U4, L1 Direct Object Video(Avancemos 1) for review. This was the last new grammar concept I taught you before dismissal.
2. Complete 4.1 Rally Coach DOP. You'll need to do both Student A & Student B.
3. Complete 4.1 DOP Self-Check
4. Today's tasks are due by Wednesday morning.
Spanish 3 Week 2: March 30 - April 3
I will add new assignments to this agenda on Wednesday and Friday. Anything that needs to be submitted will be in the Classwork section. Here are Monday's tasks.
1. Listen to the audio of Contexto 1 Artículo de opinión: Nuestros héroes. Read along with the article(p.241) and audio.
2. Complete Task 1: Record yourself reading aloud Contexto 1 article in Spanish. Submit recording.
3. Complete Task 2: Do Activity 3, Activity 4 & Para y Piensa p. 242.
Spanish 1 Week 1: March 16-March 20
Tasks for the week:
1. Adobe Spark Narrated PictoVocab 4.2 (see instructions in Google Classroom under Classwork)
2. See Week 1 Google doc in Classwork for Vocab 4.2 Practice activities. You will record yourself saying the two activities in Spanish. Upload your recording there.
Spanish 3 Week 1: March 16-March 20
Tasks for the week:
1. See Week 1 Google doc in Classwork section of our Google Classroom for Subjunctive Review 4.1 Practice activities. You will record yourself saying the two activities in Spanish. Upload your recording there.
2. Adobe Spark Narrated PictoVocab 4.2 (see instructions in Classwork)
March 18, 2020:
Thank you to all who have already submitted both assignments! ¡Muchas gracias!

1. Don't forget to submit your two assignments by Friday. On Friday I will update your Aeries grade with these new points.

2. Please check any comments I posted. Some of you only submitted part of the assignment or something completely different. Make sure you resolve this.

3. If you are missing an assignment from before the dismissal and it was already counted as graded, please submit that missing assignment or email me with your questions. It does count for your Quarter 3 grade that ends this Friday.

4. On Monday after Spring Break, I will post the week's assignments. They will be due by the Friday of the same week.

5. Above everything else, stay safe and healthy! And thank you for adjusting to distance learning!
March 16, 2020:  In the event of student absence, or a school closure, please check the Google Classroom pages below for ongoing coursework, assignments and activities.
(NOTE:  You will need to be logged into your browser with your WUHSD Student Gmail in order to access the Google Classroom)
¡Hola!  ¿Cómo estás?  ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
Welcome to my webpage for Spanish class!  I have been teaching at Cal High for twenty some odd years!  You can say I bleed Blue & Gold!  Spanish is my first language, a gift from my parents!  I grew up traveling through various parts of Mexico, but always ending up in Jalisco and Querétaro to visit with family and staying connected to my roots through language and culture.  I took French in high school and college and then picked up a little of Italian.  Knowing these languages definitely made traveling through Europe that much more exciting!  I've always been fascinated with learning languages!  I even taught Japanese at one time early on in my career!  I believe learning languages is key to building bridges for a better tomorrow!  Don't be afraid to make mistakes as that is how you'll improve your skills in Spanish.  If you embrace the motto ¡Sí se puede!, all is possible!  All it takes is a little courage and trust that I will not let you fall! Be ready to be silly at times, sing and dance, try new foods, and most of all...hablar en español!