Jim Hope » Mr. Hope English 1 and 4

Mr. Hope English 1 and 4

Hello to all of my new students, and welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! I know this is all new to everyone, including myself, so hang in there with me as we figure it all out. I am going to do the best I can to make this new way of learning as easy as possible. I ask that you remember that all of your teachers are learning this new way of teaching, as you are all learning a new way of receiving your education. The key to success is communication and staying on top of your school work. This includes always attending ZOOM meetings and being ready for discussions, and come equipped to work hard.
We will meet live through Zoom Monday-Friday. The link and all the assignments for the class can be found in Google Classroom. 
Time management is very important with distance learning. Be disciplined with your time. I know you will probably have other responsibilities at home. I recommend using an online calendar or buying a planner. I will try to keep things as simple as possible. Please feel free to communicate with me if you need any further explanation on any assignments.
You can find all the codes you need to get started by logging into the Aeries portal, using the email and password provided to you by the school!  In fact, I have already activated you in my Google Classrooms through Aeries, so if you log in to your school email and open Classroom, you'll see our class there!
Let's do this!
2020-2021 Class Schedule


       Quarter 1:

     Period 1: English 1-P

     Period 3: English  1-HP

     Period 5: English 1-HP


     Quarter 2:

     Period 2: English 4-P

     Period 4: English 4-P

     Period 6: English 1-HP