Parents » Interdistrict Transfer Info

Interdistrict Transfer Info

Whittier Union High School District Interdistrict Transfer Information




The Whittier Union High School District recognizes that parents/guardians of students who reside in one district may, for a variety of reasons, choose to enroll their child in a school in another district. The board may enter into an agreement with any other school district, to authorize for the interdistrict attendance of students who are residents of the districts.



The agreement shall specify the terms and conditions under which interdistrict attendance shall be permitted or denied. It also may contain standards agreed to by both districts for reapplication and/or revocation of the student's permit. (Education Code 46600)



Upon receiving a permit for transfer into the district that has been approved by the student's district of residence, or upon receiving a written request from the parent/ guardian of a district student who wishes to enroll in another district, the Superintendent or designee shall review the request and may approve or deny the permit subject to the terms and conditions of the interdistrict attendance agreement.



Reasons an Interdistrict Transfer May be Approved for Release and/or Acceptance for Enrollment


In accordance with an agreement between the Governing Board and the board of another district, a permit authorizing a student's attendance outside his/her district of residence may be issued upon approval of both the district of residence and the district of proposed attendance.


The Superintendent or designee may approve an interdistrict attendance permit for a student for any of the following reasons when stipulated in the agreement:


  1. When the student has been determined by staff of either the district of residence or district of proposed attendance to be a victim of an act of bullying as defined in Education Code 48900(r). Such a student shall be given priority for interdistrict attendance under any existing interdistrict attendance agreement or, in the absence of an agreement, shall be given consideration for the creation of a new permit. (Education Code 46600)
  2. To meet the child care needs of the student. Such a student may be allowed to continue to attend district schools only as long as he/she continues to use a child care provider within district boundaries.
  3. To meet the student's special mental or physical health needs as certified by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel.
  4. When the student has a sibling attending school in the receiving district, to avoid splitting the family's attendance.
  5. To allow the student to complete a school year when their parents/guardians have moved out of the district during that year.
  6. To allow a high school senior to attend the same school they attended as a junior, even if their family moved out of the district during their junior year.
  7. When the parent/guardian provides written evidence that the family will be moving into the district in the immediate future and would like the student to start the year in the district.
  8. When the student will be living out of the district for one year or less.
  9. When there is a vital interest in a particular education program not offered in the district of residence, and space exists for additional enrollment in that program.
  10. To provide a change in school environment for reasons of personal and social adjustment.
  11. When the requested school is geographically closer to the student's residence and such proximity is required for child care, transportation or other substantial family needs
  12. When the parent/guardian of the student is a full time employee of the Whittier Union High School District.
  13. When a student has documentation demonstrating acceptance into an academic program that the district does not provide.
  14. When the Superintendent has determined that a transfer would serve the best needs of the district and the student.



Reasons an Interdistrict Transfer May be Denied or Revoked


A student's interdistrict transfer permits may be denied or revoked because of:

  • Poor scholastic achievement
  • Unsatisfactory efforts
  • Excessive tardies
  • Absences
  • Truancy
  • Continual disruption of the educational program
  • Impacted programs
  • Falsificationand/oromissionofanyenrollmentdocuments


Permits may also be revoked should the reasons for the original issuance of the permit by the district of residence no longer be valid. The district may deny any interdistrict permit request for a student whose permit has been revoked by any WUHSD school in the current or previous school year. To appeal a decision to revoke a permit, the family must submit a written request to the Director of Student Support Services within 20 school days of the revocation.


Initial requests for interdistrict attendance permits may be denied due to limited district resources, program overload, overcrowding of school facilities at the requested school, or other conditions that are not arbitrary. However, once a student is admitted, the district may not deny them continued attendance because of overcrowded facilities at the relevant grade level.


The district will not pay any costs to a receiving district for a student receiving special education services who requests to attend a school in another district.


Students Being Considered for Expulsion

Students who are under consideration for expulsion or who have been expelled may not appeal interdistrict attendance denials or decisions while expulsion proceedings are pending or during the term of the expulsion. (Education Code 46601)


Interdistrict Permits Do Not Need to be Renewed Each Year

Once students are admitted to a school in the Whittier Union High School District on the basis of an interdistrict transfer permit, they shall not be required to reapply for an interdistrict transfer and shall be allowed to continue to attend the school in which they are enrolled, unless reapplication standards are otherwise specified in the interdistrict attendance agreement. Existing interdistrict transfer permits shall not be rescinded for students entering grade 11 or 12 in the subsequent school year, unless they have failed to meet the terms/standards listed on the permit agreement. (Education Code 46600)



Requests for Current Year: Whittier Union will notify parents submitting a request to enroll, or a request for release to another district, of its final decision within 30 calendar days from the date the request was received and inform them of the appeal process if it is denied.


Requests for Subsequent Year:  Whittier Union High School District will begin to accept and process interdistrict transfer applications for potential enrollment in the district, or to release students to attend schools in other districts, beginning March 1st of the previous school year. Whittier Union will notify parents of its final decision as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the interdistrict transfer permit is sought and inform them of the appeal process if it is denied. 


Where to Apply  

All requests for students applying to enroll in the WUHSD from outside of the district shall be initiated at the student’s home school or district, not the school to which the student is applying to attend in the WUHSD.  If the inter-district transfer is granted, the paperwork should be brought to the Guidance Office of the WUHSD school to which the student is requesting acceptance, not the WUHSD District Office. 


All requests for residents to be released from WUHSD to attend school in another district should be initiated in the Guidance Office at the student’s school of residence, not the WUHSD District Office.



The district shall not provide transportation beyond any school attendance area. Upon request, the Superintendent or designee may authorize transportation for interdistrict transfer students to and from designated bus stops within the attendance area if space is available.