A U.S. nonprofit organization enabling blind or visually impaired people to achieve equality and access. Provides information and referrals.
- gives print disabled people in the United States legal access to over 34,725 books and 150 periodicals that are converted to Braille, large print or text to speech audio files. The CBS Evening News profiled Benetech Bookshare as part of its "American Spirit" series. This segment is part of a collection of stories about effective and scalable solutions to social needs.
Offering services of all types (including youth programs and library services) to vision-impaired citizens of Southern California.
California State University, Los Angeles is the only CSU in Southern California that offers the Educational Specialist Credential in Visual Impairments (VI) and Physical and Health Impairment (PHI). Candidates also may earn a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree with options in these emphasis areas. See link for more information.
California's has 21 regional centers with more than 40 offices located throughout the state that serve individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
Assists Californians with disabilities in obtaining and retaining employment and maximizing their ability to live independently in their communities.
An organization of: transcribers, educators, rehabilitation counselors, administrators, parents of visually impaired children, paraprofessionals, students who are visually impaired themselves and all others concerned with the special needs of individuals with visual impairment. Yearly spring conferences alternating in Northern and Southern California.
Providing guide dogs and training in their use to visually impaired people throughout the United States and Canada.
The school offers more than 90 distance education courses to eligible students completely free of charge. The mission of their school is to promote independent living through lifelong, distance education programs for blind people and their families.
Their mission is to help individuals of all ages and degrees of blindness to live as independently as possible within their own communities.