Student Support Services » Intra-District Transfers

Intra-District Transfers

Intra-District Transfers


To apply for an Intra-District transfer for the 2023-2024 school year, please contact the Senior Administrative Clerk at your school of residence. See their contact information below.


Intra-District transfer applications for the 2024-2025 school year, please click here.


Intra-District Transfers v. Open Enrollment

There is a two week period starting the last week of January each year where students can apply online to attend a school within Whittier Union that is not their school of residence. The Open Enrollment application period for the 2024-2025 school year is January 22 - February 2, 2024. Each school accepts up to 220 students during this process. If more than 220 students apply, a random lottery will occur for students who applied during the two week period; it is not first come, first served. Students can apply for any reason, unlike Intra-District transfers. Transportation is not provided to students who choose this option.


Intra-district applications for the following school year are accepted starting in April of the previous year.  If your student ends up on an Open Enrollment waitlist, you do not need to apply for an intra-district transfer. For schools that have a waitlist from Open Enrollment, Intra-district applications are only accepted after all of the students from the Open Enrollment waitlist have been accepted because Open Enrollment applications have priority over intra-district transfers. Unlike Open Enrollment applications, Intra-District applications will only be accepted for specific reasons (see below). Transportation is not provided to students who choose this option.


Information about Intra-District Transfers

Intra-District transfer requests are for students who live within the Whittier Union High School District attendance boundaries, but would like to attend a school other than their school of residence. Applications will be presented to a committee that consists of district administrators for review. Please keep in mind that a request is NOT a guarantee for acceptance into your school of choice. Your application will not be reviewed by the committee until all requested information and documentation has been received. 


Students can apply for intra-district permits at any time for the current school year; however, transfers are typically not granted during the second half of each semester in order to allow for academic continuity, except for extenuating circumstances.  Applications for subsequent school years are available starting around  March 1st of the previous school year.  


This application process is now only available online. The decision will be emailed to you at the email address you provide in the application. Transportation is not provided to students who choose this option.  *All incoming 9th graders must provide a recent report card or transcript with their application.* All required documents can be uploaded from your computer or phone as part of the online application.


Intra-district transfers may be granted for the following reasons:

  • Senior Option- Current 11th grader (for subsequent school year) or 12th grader (for current school year) who is currently attending or recently attended the requested school, but moved to another attendance area within the district.
  • Sibling Option- Student has a sibling at the desired school that will continue to attend during the same time period for which the student is applying for the permit. We will not grant sibling option if the sibling is at the school due to a discipline transfer.
  • Parent is a WUHSD employee.
  • Social Adjustment
  • Psychological or physical health need-- In order to be considered, a letter from a medical doctor or licensed therapist must be provided.
  • Student is a victim of bullying.  The concern must have been reported to and investigated by the school where it occurred in order to apply for an intra-district transfer for this reason.

Questions related to Intra-District transfers can be directed to the Senior Administrative Clerks in the Guidance Office at your school of residenceContact information for Senior Administrative Clerks is available below:


Senior Administrative Clerks, by School:

California High School: AnnMarie Pena [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 3030

La Serna High School: Maria Kuroda [email protected] 562-698-8121, Ext. 6031

Pioneer High School: Marianne Marquez [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 5030

Santa Fe High School: Maria Sanchez [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 4030

Whittier High School: Jennifer Balag [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 2031

Intra-District Transfers 


Para la solicitud de Permiso de transferencia dentro del distrito 2023-2024, comuníquese con la Oficina de orientación de su escuela de residencia.


Las solicitudes de transferencia dentro del distrito para el año escolar 2024-2025 estaran disponibles despues de las vacaciones de primavera en abril.


La solicitud de transferencia dentro del distrito es para estudiantes que viven dentro de los límites de asistencia del Distrito de Escuelas Secunadarias Whittier Union, pero que desean asistir a una escuela que no sea su escuela de residencia.  Esta solicitud se presentará a un comité compuesto por administradores del distrito.  Tenga en cuenta que una solicitud NO es una garantía de aceptación en la escuela de su elección.  Su solicitud no será revisada por el comité hasta que se haya recibido toda la información y documentación solicitada. 


Las solicitudes dentro del distrito para el siguiente año escolar se aceptan a partir de abril del año anterior. Si su estudiante termina en una lista de espera para la Matricula Abierta, no necesita solicitar una transferencia dentro del distrito.  Para las escuelas que tienen una lista de espera para la Matricula Abierta, las solicitudes dentro del distrito solo se aceptan después de que todos los estudiantes de la lista de espera para la Matricula Abierta hayan sido aceptados porque las solicitudes para la Matricula Abierta tienen prioridad sobre las transferencias dentro del distrito. A diferencia de las solicitudes para la Matricula Abierta, las solicitudes dentro del distrito solo se aceptarán por motivos específicos (ver más abajo). No se proporciona transporte a los estudiantes que eligen esta opción.


El proceso de solicitud ahora solo está disponible en línea.  La decisión se le enviará por correo electrónico a la dirección de correo electrónico que proporcione en la solicitud.  No se proporciona transporte a los estudiantes que eligen esta opción.  Todos los estudiantes de noveno grado deben presentar una boleta de calificaciones o transcripción reciente con su solicitud.  *Todos los documentos requeridos se pueden cargan desde su computadora o teléfono como parte de la solicitud en línea.


Las transferencia dentro del distrito pueden otorgarse por las siguientes razones:

  • Opción Senior- El estudiante actual de 11o grado va al 12o grado y actualmente asiste o asistió recientemente a la escuela solicitada.
  • Opción hermano- Student has a sibling at the desired school that will continue to attend during the same time period for which the student is applying for the permit (will not grant sibling option if the sibling is at the school due to a discipline transfer).
  • El padre es un empleado de WUHSD (siglas en inglés).
  • Ajuste social
  • Necesidad psicológica y de salud física--Adjunte una carta del doctor o terapeuta autorizado.
  • La/El estudiante es victima de bullying.  Para solicitar una transferencia dentro del distrito pr este motivo, la escuela debe haber informado e investigado la inquietud en el lugar donde ocurrió.

Las pregunats relacionadas con las transferencias dentro del distrito pueden dirigirse a las Secretarias Administrativas Principal en la Oficina de Orientación de su escuela de residencia.  La información de contacto para las Secretarias Administrativas Principal esta disponible a continuación:


Secretarias Administrativa Principal:

California High School: AnnMarie Pena [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 3030

La Serna High School: Maria Kuroda [email protected] 562-698-8121, Ext. 6031

Pioneer High School: Marianne Marquez [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 5030

Santa Fe High School: Maria Sanchez [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 4030

Whittier High School: Jennifer Balag [email protected]  562-698-8121, Ext. 2031



Matricula Abierta (En este momento no esta disponible)


Este año, el período de la matricula abierta para el año escolar 2024-2025 será del 22 de enero al 2 de febrero de 2024. Cada escuela acepta hasta 220 estudiantes durante este proceso. Si solicitan más de 220 estudiantes, se realizará un sorteo al azar para los estudiantes que solicitaron durante el período de dos semanas; no es por orden de llegada. Los estudiantes pueden presentar una solicitud por cualquier motivo, a diferencia de las transferencias dentro del distrito. No se proporciona transporte a los estudiantes que eligen esta opción.


Para preguntas relacionadas con la Inscripción Abierta, comuníquese con la Oficina de Servicios de Apoyo Estudiantil al (562) 698-8121, ext. 1180.