Student Support Services » 504 Plans

504 Plans

General Information
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a federal law prohibiting discrimination against persons with a disability in any program receiving federal financial assistance. Section 504 defines a person with a disability as anyone who has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating or operation of a bodily function. Students can be considered disabled, and may receive protections/accommodations under Section 504, even if they do not qualify for, or receive special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 
The WUHSD has the responsibility to provide accommodations and services to eligible individuals with disabilities. The district acknowledges its responsibility under Section 504 to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a disability shall knowingly be permitted in any program or practice in the school. 
The Superintendent designates the following position as the District’s 504 Coordinator to implement the requirements of Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973: (34 CFR 104.7)
Amy Larson, Director, Student Support Services
Whittier Union High School District, 9401 S. Painter Ave., Whittier, CA 90605
[email protected] (562) 698-8121, Ext. 1180
Procedural Safeguards and Grievance Procedures The WUHSD has the responsibility to provide accommodations and services to eligible individuals with disabilities. The district acknowledges its responsibility under Section 504 to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a disability shall knowingly be permitted in any program or practice in the school. 
The intent of the law is to keep you fully informed concerning decisions about your child and to inform you of your rights if you disagree with any of these decisions. The following is a description of your rights under Section 504 and other federal laws. 
  1. Have your child take part in, and receive benefits from, public education programs without discrimination based on a disability. 
  2. Receive notice with respect to identification, evaluation, program, or placement of your child.
  3. Have your child receive a free appropriate public education. This includes the right to be educated with other students to the maximum extent appropriate. It also includes the right to have the school make reasonable accommodations to allow your child an equal opportunity to participate in school and school-related activities.
  4. Have your child educated in facilities and receive services comparable to those provided for students without disabilities.
  5. Have evaluation, educational, and placement decisions made based upon a variety of information sources and by individuals who know the student, disability, evaluation data, and placement options.
  6. Give your child an equal opportunity to participate in nonacademic and extracurricular activities offered by the school and/or the District.
  7. Examine and obtain a copy of all relevant records relating to decisions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program, and placement.
  8. Use the school or District complaint procedure to file a grievance if you feel your child is being discriminated against because of his/her disability. Please contact Amy Larson, the 504 Coordinator at 562.698.8121 x1180 or at [email protected] for questions or concerns related to 504 Plans.
  9. If the concern cannot be remedied at the school site or with the 504 Coordinator, you may request mediation or an impartial due process hearing related to decisions or actions regarding your child’s identification, evaluation, educational program or placement. You and your child may take part in the hearing and have an attorney present at your expense.
  10. File a formal complaint with the regional Office for Civil Rights. The office is part of the U.S. Department of Education. The regional office is located at 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1100.