Dept of Rehabilitation

The California Department of Rehabilitation works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living and equality for individuals with disabilities.

To fulfill this mission, the following goals have been set:

  • Increase the quality and quantity of employment outcomes
  • Increase the quality and availability of independent living services
  • Increase employer knowledge of the Department of Rehabilitation
  • Develop methods to improve internal and external communications
  • Increase participation of people with disabilities, and all stakeholders, in the departments planning process
  • Improve administrative processes and the quality of department services
  • Increase consumer involvement in development of their IPE (Individualized Plan for Employment)
  • Provide for a comprehensive system of personnel development
  • Maximize the availability and use of assistive technology


The Whittier Union High School District works in collaboration with two Department of Rehabilitation Counselors; Carmen Briones and Cheryl Duran.


Qualified consumers apply their Junior or Senior year in high school or in Adult School and are given assistance in preparing for and finding work, as well as possible college or certificate program funding.