Early Completion Option
1. What is an Early Completion Option?
The Whittier Union High School District in conjunction with the Los Angeles County Office of Education Induction Program provides the Early Completion Option (ECO) to all qualifying program participants in accordance with Senate Bill 57. The Early Completion Option allows eligible, experienced, and exceptional candidates to complete a Commission-approved professional Induction Program at a faster pace than the full two years generally required to complete all of the requirements. Completion of the ECO allows qualified candidates the opportunity to earn their Professional Clear Credential in one year.
2. Who is eligible for the Early Completion Option?
To be eligible, candidates must have the following:
An SB 2042 California Single Subject or Education Specialist Preliminary Credential or equivalent granted from the state of California
Two years of exceptional teaching practice in the candidate’s credentialed area. Exceptional performance will be evidenced by Administrator evaluations from both years indicating exceptional performance. Evaluations are based upon the California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
3. What is the application process?
Early Completion Option applications are due in October of the candidate’s first induction year; however, it is recommended that the candidate start the application process before the weekly Induction meetings begin in mid to late August. The Induction Coordinator will inform candidates of the timeline and necessary due dates. ECO applications must include the following:
- Resume
- At least two years of teaching experience
- Final Administrator Evaluations from the prior two consecutive years showing exceptional performance
- District recommendations (LACOE form)
- Letter of recommendation from current evaluator
- Mentor recommendation (LACOE form)
- Candidate Letter of Intent
- $300 non-refundable application fee
4. What happens if teachers do not make satisfactory progress towards completion of the ECO Program?
It is expected that the ECO Program will be completed in one year. Each candidate will be monitored during regularly-scheduled advisement sessions to ensure that timelines are met. If a candidate fails to progress accordingly and does not demonstrate skills/abilities on a level consistent with those expected of an early completion candidate, adjustments will be made as deemed necessary and appropriate by the Induction Program Administrator. If necessary, the candidate will be reassigned to the regular, full-length induction program.