Employment Vacancies & Applications
All job vacancies for the Whittier Union High School District are posted solely on the EdJoin.org website. All applicants must submit their applications online using only the EdJoin.org website. Applications will only be considered if they are submitted electronically.
The vacancies are categorized by Certificated and Classified positions. Please pay close attention to application deadlines, supplemental questions (if applicable), testing dates, and any other requested documents as stated in the position listing. All applications must be submitted no later than 4:00pm of the date the position closes.
Application Process:
Apply online for the position through EdJoin.org, every job listing will have a "Click Here to Apply" button that starts the application process. You will be required to create a username and password for the website before you can begin. Make sure that the email address that you provide to EdJoin is the most frequently used, as email communications will be sent using this account during the application process.
Fill in the required fields requested for the application, if you do not have all of the required information at the time you are filling out the application, you can return to the website at a later time to finish the application. Please keep in mind that the application MUST be finished and submitted by 4:00pm of the date the position closes to be considered.
You'll be notified via email that your application was successfully submitted. All communications from WUHSD regarding testing and/or interviews will also be sent via email.
Note: If you have submitted an application and have not received an email confirmation within 24 hours, please contact the Personnel Department to ensure the submission has been received.
Personnel Services Contact Info
Whittier Union High School District
Personnel Department
9401 S. Painter Ave.
Whittier, CA. 90605
562-698-8121 x1030 Office
562-907-6974 Fax