Personnel Services Division » Verification of Employment Requests

Verification of Employment Requests

Whittier Union High School District
Whittier, CA
Office of Personnel Services

DATE:                  August 25, 2023
TO:                       ALL STAFF
FROM:                 Ann Fitzgerald, Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Services
SUBJECT:           Verification of Employment Requests
Employment verifications are available upon request by employees and third-parties with a legitimate interest in an employee's employment history. This information is often requested so that the employee (or third-party) may:
  • Obtain financial credit (e.g., car loan, mortgage, etc.)
            -- A signed Borrower’s and Authorization form must be submitted with the request.
  • Qualify for a lease (e.g., apartment, car, etc.)
  • Prove eligibility for social services benefits (e.g., subsidized housing or child care)
  •  Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
  •  Verify service history and past pension contributions for retirement systems
  •  Student Loan Deferrals
  •  Provide verification of teaching experience for employment with another school district
  •  National Board Certifications (teachers and administrators)
Contact Information for VOE requests should be forwarded to (email preferred):
CONTACT: Jenniffer Borje, Administrative Assistant for Personnel Services
EMAIL:    [email protected]
FAX:       (562)907-6974
PHONE: (562)698-8121 EXT. 1031